Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thirteen Days (2000)

Bruce Greenwood portrays President Jack Kennedy amid the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. This movie portrayed the players in this glorified game of Nuclear Chicken with intelligence and intensity. So often today, we the people elect independantly-minded leaders hoping for some integrity and honesty to come through the office only to find that elected officials are pawns to be played on by various lobbyists, constituents, and the media.

One of the most often stated lines in this film was, "what's it gonna look like?!" To the Russians, the American people, or to the world, this Presidency was keenly aware of the possibility of mis-interpretation in whatever move they made. They were also aware of the fact that other men in power would manipulate their position to forward their own agendas. This movie was like watching a multi-dimensional game of chess because the USSR was not the only antagonist. The Generals of various military divisions had their own desire for "payback" against Cuba and intentionally ran military exercises and tests - even bumping up the security level without the President's prior consent.

Thirteen Days gave me an appreciation for honest elected officials that I never had before. It also created a very clear picture for me of what happened next. How much power can a President have? How many chess pieces are left on the board.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Dr. Mikel Vause of Weber State University fame is such a fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's characters and story, that he teaches an Emminent Authors class annually on the subject. I was delighted to take part in this online class a couple of years ago when pregnancy made campus attendance an impossibility. This collection of stories is so different from what I usually pick up on my own, that reading and analyzing them helped open up another facet of a beautiful literary diamond. We spent a semester likening Doyle's themes to that of modern cinematography. There was never a dull moment.

With this introduction, I was extatic to find that one of my favorite actors (Robert Downey, Jr.)had been chosen to play Holmes alongside another compelling choice (Jude Law). This action packed thriller included snippets of Doyle's stories woven together - the ginger haired dwarf, the pocket watch that had been often pawned, Watson's engagement, Holmes' experimental drug use - along with details that were unfamiliar, and yet, perfectly fitting. I promise I applauded the moment Watson punched Holmes square in the jaw or when they bickered like the brothers they had become.

A purist may be disappointed in the film. For example, Downey did not actually play the violin once. He held it and plucked it occasionally. My assumption is that with all of his other movie making obligations he didn't have time to learn. This is the one detail that I hope is corrected before another film is made. I learned a long time ago that books and film are distinctly different - each with their own limitations. Watch with that in mind, and, even the keenest of Doyle's fans will not be disappointed.

Pepto-Bismol vs. Jello Water

When I was growing up, my mom stopped buying this stuff to soothe our stomachs and she had apparently never heard of Jello water as a cure for diarrhea. We relied on Kaopectate and 7up to get us through these nasty little viruses. As I became a mother, I learned of the "BRAT" diet (broth, bananas, rice, applesauce, & toast) which is intended to keep small children from dehydration without giving them medicines that may do more harm than good to their innocent intestinal systems. Then, I got married.

I still remember the first time my husband asked me for hot jello water... I thought he was nuts! Jello water? Seriously?! Then I had a stomach flu that I couldn't get rid of and, out of desperation, tried it. There are some specifics to the recipe that one must know. A) The water must be hot enough to dissolve the gelatin. B) Add Jello to taste. C) Drink it before it goes cold or it will consolidate in your straw. Sipping Jell-o water around the clock will settle your stomach and stop the runs when nothing else will. As an added bonus, the flavorful warmth can be very comforting.

And we all know we need something to comfort us on the day when indoor plumbing becomes are closest friend and favorite blessing.