After the students had spoken, we were blessed by another unexpected gift. The WSU ensemble of music majors called Tria Fata filled the room with delightful music. This group has the beautiful chemistry. They have choreographed their music and facial expressions in a way that the notes become a conversation between instruments and artists. It was delightful! And intense, visionary, moving, and inspiring. The musicians poured so much of themselves into the movement that they were a little out of breath and perspiring by the end. Tremendous!
Sadly, we learned at the end of the Banquet that this trio is breaking up to move on to other programs and musical adventures. This was disappointing in many ways. I was hoping for a CD. I'd like to take a moment to wish them all well. Samuel Runolfson (cellist), Kathryn Palkki (violinist) and Nicholas Maghaun (pianist) have exciting careers ahead of them, I'm sure. Good luck to you all. Spread the purple everywhere!