My sister and her husband saw this movie in the theatre with his best friend and his Russian national wife. Good stuff. She let them know that much of the Russian was totally accurate and that she is planning to infiltrate the US Judicial system (her reason for marrying her husband, the lawyer.) After a movie like this, I can see why that shared confidence was a little unsettling to my sister.
Other actors to watch in this movie? Chiwetel Ejiofor, who won my eye as Lola in "Kinky Boots", plays Peabody - Inspector Peabody, even (which would be a mistake except that his name is rarely, if ever used in the film. I had to use to find it). There is just a sincerity and an intensity in his facial expressions that draws a viewer in. The other is Liev Schreiber (Ted Winter), the agent who is closest to Evelyn, introducing her to her husband and negotiating her release from a North Korean prison two years before.
A note to those who haven't seen it, the flasbacks are important here, try and keep up. More important though? The eyes. Salt, Peabody, and Winter exchange more information with their eyes than with the limited dialogue throughout the film. Oh, and keep a glass of water nearby. The 48 hours portrayed here may leave you out of breath.
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