Do we really have to have the most fire-power to ensure peace on earth or at least in our corner of the planet? Is peace a planet without war or murder or theft or rape? There may be some places where this sort of proactive assertiveness in training and owning weapons is required and chokes out the criminal element in the area because it isn't worth the possible consequences. Does choosing to be a pacifist make a person an easy target for crime? Is it asking for individuals with power in mind to take what they will and hurt who they can if the rest of us do not stand, weapons ready, and say, "That is the line... you shall not pass."
And what of definitions... What is peace? Is it just the "normal, nonwarring state of a nation" or is it the "state of mutual harmony between peoples" or is it "serenity, tranquility, and stillness"? It is difficult to accomplish a peaceful state of being when one does not know the meaning of the word. Personally, I'd like the world to strive for the middle definition. The first is the bare minimum of existence - not at war does not translate immediately into "at peace". The last is, for me (a lover of music, dance, music, growth, and change) not an ideal state to remain indefinately. However, mutual harmony - knowing that I will sing different notes than you will but that the song will be pleasing to everyone because we both give our best effort and quality to each note - would be beautiful.
I just don't know if I could sing into the barrel of a gun.
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