Love is the silence out of which woman speaks - Stuart Z. Perkoff
My heart is graffiti on the side of a subway train, a shadow on the wall made by a child. - Maura O'Connor
all the levers and lubricants needed to pry a last bit of suffocating soul from grey bondage - Dominique Lowell
We know the ego is the true maker of history, and if it isn't, it should be no concern of yours - Larry Rivers & Frank O'Hara
To live as I have done is surely absurd - Jack Micheline
Some people guard their lives like a eunich guards the harem door - A.D. Winans
And so it is, that even the outlaws trying not to be timeless, attempting only to capture a moment, condensed into so many words, speak and I feel - assaulted, betrayed, bemused, intrigued - why not open my own mouth? Why won't you open yours?
I have wanted to read this for quite some time. Sounds interesting.