Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Brake Lights

All right people, I know that none of us likes sitting in traffic.  I know that you don't like to waste time and that you only gave yourself just enough time to cover the mileage from your house to the office at optimal speed and you canNOT be late again or the boss will kill you.  I know that even at 7:30am you can feel the almost July heat breaching your car and making you sweat and that you have to be going 60mph for the 4/60 AC to be working properly and you don't want to melt before you get there, but come on...brake lights are there for a reason!

This morning, I had the opportunity to joing the morning commute to help out a friend who is experiencing car woes.  I really only braked, mid traffic, three times.  First time, EMERGENCY vehicles...the lady behind me refused to see blinkers or brake lights and made a dramatic pass on the right nearly causing a brand new accident for said fire truck and parametic to deal with.  The second, was coming up the hill behind a semi...again, the drivers darted around (this one is a little more understandable).  The accident was being cleaned up in front of us, which led to lane blockage and a pretty display of neon green vested Utah policeman NOT dancing to direct the traffic.  Of course, we wouldn't know this for a little while longer, but, why not have the patience to find out instead of causing more trouble by jumping to the conclusion that the person in front of you is an idiot?

Thankfully, I made it home in one piece.  It's called defensive driving while she-bopping to the radio as loud as I deem necessary according to the song being played...

huggin' and a-kissin'!  dancin' and a'lovin'!  wearin' next to nothin' cuz it's hot as an oven!

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