Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Year Without Sex (2009)

Natalie (Sacha Horler) and Ross (Matt Day) are about to experience one of those years when you wonder what else could possibly go wrong.  This Australian film takes a realistic look at one family's journey after a life changing emergency surgery.  If you ever get frustrated with American movies and all of the contrived incidences thrown in to force laughter or tears, you'll be relieved.  The children are quirky, the parents are natural rather than being stereotypical, and the storyline is filled with plenty of narrow misses that make you thankful that no other tragedy strikes during this delicate year when a single choice could have made it all that much worse. 

In this case, Natalie suffers from an aneurysm just after a pap smear (I warned you about the realism, right?)  Luckily, this means that no one wastes any precious time in getting her to surgery...but, waking up from brain surgery means dealing with a lot of things.  There is the physical scar, the bruising, the loss of memory and dexterity.  There is also the emotion -- fear, loss, guilt.  And then there are the medical bills and the job loss.  Bonus?  No sneezing, no constipation, and NO orgasms -- Doctor's orders.

At one point, Natalie asks Ross to imagine what his replacement wife would be like.  Ross doesn't answer because he thinks the question both absurd and an emotional booby trap due to his wife's current post-traumatic state.  It actually isn't an unusual question for a wife facing mortality to ask (I know.  I've asked it.)  At the close of the movie, Ross finds the perfect answer and it really makes all of the struggle worth it.

This movie is not rated, but would win an "easy" R for a cross-dresser's "f-ing" tirade mid-film...wait!  Didn't I say there were no "contrived" scenes thrown in for audience emotional response?!

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