Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Do Believe in Fairies. I do. I DO!

When I first began my career in motherhood, I remember the exhaustion that came.  There was nothing so discouraging as a night of frequently interrupted sleep followed by more laundry than I had ever seen and dishes crammed so tightly into the sink, I had to fill a pitcher with water from the bathtub.  I distinctly remember holding a crying baby, tears streaming down my face, wondering where in the world my own cleaning fairy had gone.  I was certain I was as deserving as the cobbler and his shoes.

Of course, the fairy didn't come, but I gained housekeeping skill that faltered with the arrival of each new little one.  I also learned that I would rather leave the dishes in the sink for a few hours than miss out on an imagination game or story time with my little ones.  In the balance of things, I found that my children would require many skills.  One of these was clean up time, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it all of the time.

Fast forward to little ones are teens and they've been joined by other little ones.  Keeping house is a daily necessity and takes hours of my time.  I've learned that keeping the house in order benefits everyone, but there is still life, pain, and sickness to take me from it.  Sometimes, my little ones lend a hand.  And sometimes...

...there are fairies...

and I am so thankful for the gifts.

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