Saturday, January 21, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar

While I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on all that this natural gem can do for you, I do want to tell you about our recent experience with WARTS.  (Ew!  I know, I know.  Witches and dirty bathrooms and other such grossness.)  Thing is, I've had a wart or two in my life.  I read once, after trying to dig, scrape, freeze and laser without success, that they will disappear on their own in three years (a consolation that turned out to be true), but who wants to wait three years for anything?!  (Especially for an ugly, painful wart to go away?)

When my five year old turned up with the biggest plantar wart I'd ever seen on the bottom of her foot, I couldn't imagine putting her through the torture methods I had tried.  I did a little research and found the idea of a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar and duct tape every night for three weeks...The bad news is, we didn't have duct tape AND I'm just not an every night for three weeks kind of girl.  Instead, we soaked that cotton ball in a high quality apple cider vinegar, stuck it on with a bandage and removed it in the morning.  (I had a stubborn wart on my thumb and tried the same treatment so I would know what it felt tingles a little bit and smells like dirty gym socks, but nothing bad.)

A week later, I remembered to treat it again. 

After the second treatment, my wart began to get black flecks in it and shrink.  My five year old's body was much more responsive.  The whole wart turned black and, within another week, FELL OFF, leaving a small crater of perfect pink skin!  It was wild.  My thumb took a third treatment and "disappeared."

If you have a wart -- especially on sensitive skin -- skip the freezing, scraping, digging, and lazers.  Go for the apple cider vinegar.  You won't be disappointed.

p.s.  I think it takes the body/immune system three weeks (at least) to kick it with the help of the vinegar.  At least now you know you don't have to smell the dirty gym sock smell every day.

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