Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Switchin' it Up

I finally made a switch and loved the results!

This face has been kissed by Oil of Olay since it was 16-ish with a few "let's save a couple of bucks" changes over the years.  But, lately, I just break out all of the time.  Although not all over my face, the pimples have been deep, hard, and lasting.  I thought it was post-32 year old hormones.  I thought it was old make-up, not enough exfoliation, too much exfoliation...

Whatever it was, I decided to dump the old and go for the new.  (Even the acne "fighting" products from Olay didn't make a difference.)  Maybe it was the green on the bottle.  The dermatologist on the label.  Or even the "fruit" in the Fructis.  Whatever drew my eye, I purchased a facial cleanser and moisturizer with SPF 15 from Garnier a little over a week ago.  That was less than $10 well-spent.  My old pimples are clearing (even the red "scarring") and I only had one tiny little pimple pop out in time for my period that was here and gone in a day (the pimple NOT the period.) 

I've gotta remember that change can be good.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to try this. I've had the same issues with Oil of Olay lately, though I'm trying a new cleanser from them in the past week that seems to be doing ok.
